Welcome, Houzz readers! To see some before photos of the house, check out our before & after section. And while you’re at it, check out some of our other design work too!
Many thanks to Sara for all her hard work and the beautiful feature!
Welcome, Houzz readers! To see some before photos of the house, check out our before & after section. And while you’re at it, check out some of our other design work too!
Many thanks to Sara for all her hard work and the beautiful feature!
I went over to Remodelista this morning to show Tara their article on Superfront, who’ve taken Ikea hacks to a whole new level with their beautiful cabinet fronts and pulls. (Fingers crossed that they follow the Ikea model of flat packing and shipping to the US at crazy low prices.)
Anyway, what did I see on top of Remodelista’s homepage but the Upstate NY kitchen we designed! We had no idea that was coming and are so, so honored to be featured today. Thanks, guys!
I have no idea how people find us for the most part (which absolutely sounds like a sign of a doomed/non-existant PR plan), but how exciting when they do!
After calling the post office and persuading them to honk in front of the house with our mail since we don’t yet have a mailbox and Brenda “doesn’t walk up to houses anymore,” look what the…post office truck? dragged in:
Our first international feature in Suddeneutshe Zeitung Magazin!
And if you happen to pick up the Nummber 39 | 28.September 2012 issue, you’ll see us on pages 14 and 15 for our lath wall and chalkboard bathroom.
We’re so excited to have somehow spread to Germany and so honored to be featured on a page with so many amazing design ideas. Check out one our favorites below. That ornate outline above the fireplace is a lamp cord!
Come on. That’s simply brilliant.
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