Gotta give a little shout out to Huffington Post for the heads up on the AMAZING photographs of Niki Feijen. Fiejen took these shots from four different abandoned farmhouses in western Europe. These places have been untouched for years, and whether they are covered in moss, falling down, or holding up pretty well they are just stunning. If we could find a house like this to take under our wing… I can’t finish typing that sentence without letting out a huge sigh.
Enjoy these beautiful shots. And be sure to check out Feijen’s personal website for the full collection. 149 perfect moments.
OMG! Aren’t you just dying to a) restore these, or b) salvage EVERYTHING, if the structure is beyond repair! Such gems, I can’t believe they were abandoned.
Holy water damage!!! These photographs are AMAZING! I sighed wistfully at each one, too. The ones that are most amazing to me are the ones where it looks like the occupants just left one day and never returned–shoes by the beds and books on the nightstands….Can you imagine the possibilities?!